Monday, November 14, 2016

FASCV Provides Rehab Support at Gas Leak

On Friday, Nov. 14, at approximately noon in the area of Park and Sunol in San Jose FASCV received a Special Call for a major natural gas problem.
FSU 1 driven by Walter Huber and FSU 2 Driven by Don Gilbert responded. FASCV provided meal pickup and rehab for about 5.5 hours.
A contractor's backhoe ruptured a 6” high-pressure natural gas line while at the same time the backhoe also ruptured a sewer line. This caused the underground sewer line system to become charged with natural gas over a large geographical area.  This required the evacuation and sealing off of a large area covering several city blocks.
Once the natural gas was shutdown, it took a period of time to purge the gas from the sewer system and allow for a size reduction of the evacuation zone. When PG&E started to make repairs to the 6” pipe, a 4” gas pipe was located that had to be neutralized before the 6” repairs could be started.
-- Report submitted by Don Gilbert through Bob Gundrum