Sunday, June 14, 2015

Vegetation Fire Burns In Los Altos Hills

Photo By Michael Garcia
Date:  June 14, 2015; 5:48 P.M.
Agency:  Santa Clara County Fire
Type:  2-Alarm
Location:  Near intersection of Foothill Expressway and I-280
Details:  Fire Support Units 1 and 4 responded to staging at the intersection of Arboretum and Grant Rd. for a vegetation fire near Foothill Expressway and I-280. Support Unit 4 arrived first and was directed by the IC to set up Rehab in the parking lot of the Lucky's store on Foothill Expressway in Los Altos. FSU-1 joined Support Unit 4 in the parking lot. 
Responding Apparatus:  E71, E74, E75, E76, E77, R74, B72, B74, E374, Medic 14, Cal Fire Engines 1768 and 1663.
FASCV Responding Units:  FSU-1 (Garcia) and FSU-4 (Carr)
FASCV Responders:  Dan Wong and Ken Needham (guest)
-- Report submitted by Larry Carr